Where’s My Yowie

Podcast: Where’s My Yowie
Host: Jamie
Category: Society & Culture
Sub-Category: History, Paranormal & Cryptids & Aliens
First Episode: 2021
Australian Cryptozoology. Yowies (Bigfoot / Sasquatch), Bunyips and other Australian cryptid creatures.Subscribers’ Yowie sightings and encounters. First historical Yowie reports from 1700s. My encounters with a Yowie at Limpinwood NSW Australia and my search for the Bribie Island Yowie. Thylacine, Thylacoleo and Big Cat sightings, subscribers’ sightings , my sightings and historical sightings. Subscribers’ and historical UFO sightings. Historical Bunyip and other Creature sightings from early 1700s.- Aussie Bush Yarns. – has anyone got a story to share for my youtube channel? It can be about yowies, bunyips, dogmen, big cat sightings, thylacines, thylacoleos, aliens, ufo’s, even sea monsters, anything strange, except ghost stories. Must take place in Australia. We can do an interview over the phone or I could read your written story, what ever suits you, everything can be kept confidential and private, it’s totally up to you.
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